07. La casa de mi abuela

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«Un Mundo de Cuentos para Ver (Spanish Edition)»

Sal del pueblo hasta el valle, entra en el bosque y busca una pequeña casa solitaria rodeada por una valla… ¡Si te atreves! En esta historia se recurre al suspense y a la tensión narrativa para abordar la inquietante —aunque finalmente divertida— jornada que vive el pequeño protagonista, en un día que creía predecible: comer tarta y apagar las velas en su cumpleaños.
Pinceladas humorísticas en una maraña de claras referencias literarias y cinematográficas.

Visite Amazon para comprar su ejemplar.

Description in Enlglish: Leave the village, take the path to the valley, enter the dark forest and look for the small solitary house surrounded by a fence… if you dare! The Catalan writer Pep Bruno, author for OQO publishing of Pétala, The silly nanny goat and Count with me, dares in this book to jump into a world of mystery.

He leads the reader into a story full of excitement and narrative suspense to describe the young protagonist’s nerve-wracking – but ultimately entertaining – journey, on a seemingly predictable day that begins with blowing out candles and eating cake. Matteo Gubellini is a multi-prizewinning Italian artist, with experience working with the most prestigious publishing houses of children´s books in Italy and France. In My grandmother´s house he showcases his creativity, employing his multimedia, figurative, formal, and chromatic talents.

It´s an example of his remarkable capability to accompany a coded or implied narrative suggestion – in this case illustrating an undercurrent of fear. The humorous winks of some of the animal elements (bird, elephant…) and their personification combined with a special font ease the dramatic suspense in which the protagonist is faced – a combination of literary and cinematic references.

#ColeccionesOQO #Cuentos #AmericanBookGroup #ABG #UnMundoDeCuentos #IAmBilingual

ISBN: 978-1681655628 Categoría: 01. I Am Bilingual Autor:



«Un Mundo de Cuentos para Ver (Spanish Edition)»

Sal del pueblo hasta el valle, entra en el bosque y busca una pequeña casa solitaria rodeada por una valla… ¡Si te atreves! En esta historia se recurre al suspense y a la tensión narrativa para abordar la inquietante —aunque finalmente divertida— jornada que vive el pequeño protagonista, en un día que creía predecible: comer tarta y apagar las velas en su cumpleaños.
Pinceladas humorísticas en una maraña de claras referencias literarias y cinematográficas.

Visite Amazon para comprar su ejemplar.

Description in Enlglish: Leave the village, take the path to the valley, enter the dark forest and look for the small solitary house surrounded by a fence… if you dare! The Catalan writer Pep Bruno, author for OQO publishing of Pétala, The silly nanny goat and Count with me, dares in this book to jump into a world of mystery.

He leads the reader into a story full of excitement and narrative suspense to describe the young protagonist’s nerve-wracking – but ultimately entertaining – journey, on a seemingly predictable day that begins with blowing out candles and eating cake. Matteo Gubellini is a multi-prizewinning Italian artist, with experience working with the most prestigious publishing houses of children´s books in Italy and France. In My grandmother´s house he showcases his creativity, employing his multimedia, figurative, formal, and chromatic talents.

It´s an example of his remarkable capability to accompany a coded or implied narrative suggestion – in this case illustrating an undercurrent of fear. The humorous winks of some of the animal elements (bird, elephant…) and their personification combined with a special font ease the dramatic suspense in which the protagonist is faced – a combination of literary and cinematic references.

#ColeccionesOQO #Cuentos #AmericanBookGroup #ABG #UnMundoDeCuentos #IAmBilingual