30. La guerra de los números

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«Un Mundo de Cuentos para Ver (Spanish Edition)»

UNO era un número muy pequeño. Siempre estaba solo y sentía envidia de los demás, que tan superiores le parecían. Un día, el rey Menos le dio los planos para construir un arma terrible: el Signo MENOS. Este álbum nos acerca a la sinrazón de las guerras originadas por la errónea interpretación de que todo lo que nos es diferente, supone una amenaza.

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Description in English: «ONE was a very small number. Always alone and envious of the others, who seemed so superior. One day, King Minus gave him the plans to build a terrible weapon: the MINUS sign. Making symbolic and metaphorical use of the mathematical operation of subtraction, Juan Darién shows us the craziness of wars that originate from the belief that what is different is a threat.

This work sets out to expose that fallacy and emphasizes that the knowledge and experience of others enriches: it adds, it does not subtract. Darién creates an iconographical project with a warlike setting using a representational technique —digital collage— of a simple structure and primary forms, repeated using elemental multimedia and an effective use of color.

A story in favor of peace that uses concepts such as slavery, abuse, and conflict resolution…, but also a didactic tool to learn rules and mathematical equations by virtue of the motivation they provoke, the attitude they generate, and the mediation the multimedia and literary narrative provide in the comprehension in of abstract concepts.»

#ColeccionesOQO #Cuentos #AmericanBookGroup #ABG #UnMundoDeCuentos #IAmBilingual

ISBN: 978-1681651644 Categoría: 01. I Am Bilingual Autor:



«Un Mundo de Cuentos para Ver (Spanish Edition)»

UNO era un número muy pequeño. Siempre estaba solo y sentía envidia de los demás, que tan superiores le parecían. Un día, el rey Menos le dio los planos para construir un arma terrible: el Signo MENOS. Este álbum nos acerca a la sinrazón de las guerras originadas por la errónea interpretación de que todo lo que nos es diferente, supone una amenaza.

Visite Amazon para comprar su ejemplar.

Description in English: «ONE was a very small number. Always alone and envious of the others, who seemed so superior. One day, King Minus gave him the plans to build a terrible weapon: the MINUS sign. Making symbolic and metaphorical use of the mathematical operation of subtraction, Juan Darién shows us the craziness of wars that originate from the belief that what is different is a threat.

This work sets out to expose that fallacy and emphasizes that the knowledge and experience of others enriches: it adds, it does not subtract. Darién creates an iconographical project with a warlike setting using a representational technique —digital collage— of a simple structure and primary forms, repeated using elemental multimedia and an effective use of color.

A story in favor of peace that uses concepts such as slavery, abuse, and conflict resolution…, but also a didactic tool to learn rules and mathematical equations by virtue of the motivation they provoke, the attitude they generate, and the mediation the multimedia and literary narrative provide in the comprehension in of abstract concepts.»

#ColeccionesOQO #Cuentos #AmericanBookGroup #ABG #UnMundoDeCuentos #IAmBilingual