07. The Night of the Massacre / La Noche de la Masacre

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«Nadie. Soy nadie. Soy una trampa, un holgazán, un vagabundo… un furgón y una jarra de vino… Y una navaja afilada si te me acercas.» Charles Manson

En la década de 1960, Charles Manson se creyó un profeta, pero fue un criminal y un embaucador. Lideró una banda de jóvenes e instigó a sus seguidores a cometer crímenes atroces para alcanzar su cometido: generar una guerra racial.

Su particular interpretación de la canción Helter Skelter, de The Beatles, le llevaron a la fama. Sin embargo, hay una pregunta que resuena con la música: ¿por qué eligió a la bella Sharon Tate?

Visite Amazon para comprar su ejemplar.

Description in English: In the 1960s, Charles Manson believed himself a prophet, but he was a criminal and a trickster. He led a gang of youths and instigated his followers to commit heinous crimes to achieve their mission: to generate a race war.

His particular interpretation of the song Helter Skelter, by The Beatles, brought him to fame. Yet there is a question that resonates: why did he choose to kill the beautiful Sharon Tate, wife of film director Roman Polanski?

How he lived, the sentence Charles Manson received, the trial itself, what happend to the members of «the Family», the insignia, the ranch they lived in, everything is essential to try to understand what ultimately happened at the Polanski and La-Bianca mansion.

#ColeccionesMentesCriminales #Mentes #Criminales #Crimenes #CriminalMinds #SerialKillers #TrueCrime #Murder

ISBN: 9781681658957 Categoría: 09. Mente Criminal Autor:



«Nadie. Soy nadie. Soy una trampa, un holgazán, un vagabundo… un furgón y una jarra de vino… Y una navaja afilada si te me acercas.» Charles Manson

En la década de 1960, Charles Manson se creyó un profeta, pero fue un criminal y un embaucador. Lideró una banda de jóvenes e instigó a sus seguidores a cometer crímenes atroces para alcanzar su cometido: generar una guerra racial.

Su particular interpretación de la canción Helter Skelter, de The Beatles, le llevaron a la fama. Sin embargo, hay una pregunta que resuena con la música: ¿por qué eligió a la bella Sharon Tate?

Visite Amazon para comprar su ejemplar.

Description in English: In the 1960s, Charles Manson believed himself a prophet, but he was a criminal and a trickster. He led a gang of youths and instigated his followers to commit heinous crimes to achieve their mission: to generate a race war.

His particular interpretation of the song Helter Skelter, by The Beatles, brought him to fame. Yet there is a question that resonates: why did he choose to kill the beautiful Sharon Tate, wife of film director Roman Polanski?

How he lived, the sentence Charles Manson received, the trial itself, what happend to the members of «the Family», the insignia, the ranch they lived in, everything is essential to try to understand what ultimately happened at the Polanski and La-Bianca mansion.

#ColeccionesMentesCriminales #Mentes #Criminales #Crimenes #CriminalMinds #SerialKillers #TrueCrime #Murder