La usabilidad se debe tomar como un requerimiento más en el desarrollo de aplicaciones y sitios web, puesto que puede definir una estrategia de contenidos, especificar o descartar una arquitectura o predecir el éxito o fracaso de un sistema o interfaz (Description in English below).
Por ende, este libro pretende ser un epítome y manual práctico de consulta para entender cómo afecta la usabilidad web en la interacción persona ordenador y obtener unas directrices o herramientas para llegar a hacer más usables y accesibles los interfaces de páginas web, de aplicaciones móviles y sistemas en general.
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Description in English: That an interface is designed to give a certain user experience does not mean that it is usable. In other words, that the interaction of the system with the user is good does not mean that the tasks to be performed are done correctly.
The usability is therefore a feature that should not be classified as optional or added value, should be taken as a requirement in the development of applications and websites, since its inception.Its objective is to specify, design and evaluate quantitatively and qualitatively the effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction that users obtain after the completion of a specific task in a controlled environment.
Usability can even define a content strategy, specify or discard an architecture or predict the success or failure of a system or interface. Knowing the guidelines, rules of the main authors, most used metrics and several of the possible evaluation methods will provide a global vision to diagnose and solve the most frequent or habitual errors in the design process.
Knowing, in addition, how to make the contents accessible and endow them with this quality, will cause an increase in the number of visits, an increase in the number of satisfied users and, as a consequence, an increase in the profits of the company or organization.This book, therefore, aims to be an epitome and practical reference manual to get to understand how affects the web usability in the person computer interaction and obtain guidelines or tools to get to make the interfaces of web pages, applications more usable and accessible mobile phones and systems in general.
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