04. Sopa de nada

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«Un Mundo de Cuentos para Ver (Spanish Edition)»

María Zorruna y Juan Gato son dos pícaros que un buen día llegan a las puertas de un palacio pidiendo comida. Allí vive el avaro Juan Rata que no les quiere dar nada, y ellos entonces se ofrecen a prepararle una sopa prodigiosa: sopa de nada. Fábula con la que los niños aprenderán la importancia de compartir y de ser solidarios. Además, descubrirán que para superar situaciones de necesidad y dificultades, muchas veces sólo hace falta un poco de ingenio e imaginación.

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Description in English: If with that it’s enough… If it’s enough? It’s more than enough! Darabuc and Rashin Kheiriyeh are the chefs in this delicious book titled Nothing Soup that hungry readers will now find on the OQO publishers menu. The author revives an old recipe, that of Stone Soup, a classic story, with various interpretations as often happens with traditional stories retold in different countries.

Darabuc, knowledgeable about this rich tradition, takes inspiration from it but re-elaborates the ingredients and cooks Nothing Soup, as an intimate, modern story told with a great dose of humor. The result is a tale that will teach children the importance of sharing and friendship. They will learn that to overcome difficult situations of scarcity and need, as on many occasions, all that is needed is a little imagination and ingenuity. The main characters, as in most fables, are animals. In this case, Mary Fox and John Cat, both mischievous, arrive at the palace gates one fine day asking for food. That’s where the miser John Rat lives who doesn’t share anything with them, and so they offer to prepare him a prodigious soup, Nothing Soup. The author plays with the symbolism of the characters, since the fox as well as the cat are animals that are associated with characteristics such as intelligence and cunning.

The same can be said of the rat, traditionally associated with greed. Darabuc opts for a conversational tone in which the always humorous back and forth dialogue of the characters move the story along. The structure in general, faithful to tradition, is as follows: Mary Fox suggests an ingredient that will make the soup taste better and John Rat who doesn’t realize he’s being tricked agrees because it’s only a small ingredient. The repetition of all the ingredients each time a new one is added, in addition to helping with the rhythm of the story, offers younger children an ideal opportunity to work with different measuring units (pinch, splash, handful, string) most used when cooking. Other tools, such as the measure of the verses or the use of formulas that are repeated from beginning to end also strengthen the rhythm of the narrative. But if something should be emphasized about Nothing Soup, is that it is an entertaining story. Open it and take a quick look at Rashin Kheiriyeh’s illustrations and you will smile.

What a surprise! What strange characters! Dressed from head to toe in black and wearing dark glasses… They don’t look exactly like angels, more like… and what if they’re… sshhh… mafia? The Iranian illustrator perfectly captures the irreverent touch lent by Darabuc, by illustrating some not so innocent protagonists. Also giving us new reasons to smile, why? Is there anything more amusing than seeing such sinister characters in aprons and stirring a pot? Simplicity is one of the characteristics of this artist’s personality collaborating with OQO editora for the first time. For this work, a limited palette of colors was chosen, based on earthy colors, ranging from green, black or white. However, this moderation is compensated by painting in oil from which rich textures are achieved and also using collage which gives a sense of volume to the compositions. Worthy of notice, are the backgrounds where the adventures of these three rascals take place, the Nothing there desert.

#ColeccionesOQO #Cuentos #AmericanBookGroup #ABG #UnMundoDeCuentos #IAmBilingual

ISBN: 978-1681650272 Categoría: 01. I Am Bilingual Autor:



«Un Mundo de Cuentos para Ver (Spanish Edition)»

María Zorruna y Juan Gato son dos pícaros que un buen día llegan a las puertas de un palacio pidiendo comida. Allí vive el avaro Juan Rata que no les quiere dar nada, y ellos entonces se ofrecen a prepararle una sopa prodigiosa: sopa de nada. Fábula con la que los niños aprenderán la importancia de compartir y de ser solidarios. Además, descubrirán que para superar situaciones de necesidad y dificultades, muchas veces sólo hace falta un poco de ingenio e imaginación.

Visite Amazon para comprar su ejemplar.

Description in English: If with that it’s enough… If it’s enough? It’s more than enough! Darabuc and Rashin Kheiriyeh are the chefs in this delicious book titled Nothing Soup that hungry readers will now find on the OQO publishers menu. The author revives an old recipe, that of Stone Soup, a classic story, with various interpretations as often happens with traditional stories retold in different countries.

Darabuc, knowledgeable about this rich tradition, takes inspiration from it but re-elaborates the ingredients and cooks Nothing Soup, as an intimate, modern story told with a great dose of humor. The result is a tale that will teach children the importance of sharing and friendship. They will learn that to overcome difficult situations of scarcity and need, as on many occasions, all that is needed is a little imagination and ingenuity. The main characters, as in most fables, are animals. In this case, Mary Fox and John Cat, both mischievous, arrive at the palace gates one fine day asking for food. That’s where the miser John Rat lives who doesn’t share anything with them, and so they offer to prepare him a prodigious soup, Nothing Soup. The author plays with the symbolism of the characters, since the fox as well as the cat are animals that are associated with characteristics such as intelligence and cunning.

The same can be said of the rat, traditionally associated with greed. Darabuc opts for a conversational tone in which the always humorous back and forth dialogue of the characters move the story along. The structure in general, faithful to tradition, is as follows: Mary Fox suggests an ingredient that will make the soup taste better and John Rat who doesn’t realize he’s being tricked agrees because it’s only a small ingredient. The repetition of all the ingredients each time a new one is added, in addition to helping with the rhythm of the story, offers younger children an ideal opportunity to work with different measuring units (pinch, splash, handful, string) most used when cooking. Other tools, such as the measure of the verses or the use of formulas that are repeated from beginning to end also strengthen the rhythm of the narrative. But if something should be emphasized about Nothing Soup, is that it is an entertaining story. Open it and take a quick look at Rashin Kheiriyeh’s illustrations and you will smile.

What a surprise! What strange characters! Dressed from head to toe in black and wearing dark glasses… They don’t look exactly like angels, more like… and what if they’re… sshhh… mafia? The Iranian illustrator perfectly captures the irreverent touch lent by Darabuc, by illustrating some not so innocent protagonists. Also giving us new reasons to smile, why? Is there anything more amusing than seeing such sinister characters in aprons and stirring a pot? Simplicity is one of the characteristics of this artist’s personality collaborating with OQO editora for the first time. For this work, a limited palette of colors was chosen, based on earthy colors, ranging from green, black or white. However, this moderation is compensated by painting in oil from which rich textures are achieved and also using collage which gives a sense of volume to the compositions. Worthy of notice, are the backgrounds where the adventures of these three rascals take place, the Nothing there desert.

#ColeccionesOQO #Cuentos #AmericanBookGroup #ABG #UnMundoDeCuentos #IAmBilingual