14. Simón mentiras

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«Un Mundo de Cuentos para Ver (Spanish Edition)»

El ratoncito protagonista de esta historia percibe y expresa la realidad como un juego fantástico al servicio de un fin preciso: habla de lobos, zorros y gatos que están en su imaginación. Pero la fantasía tiene un carácter efímero y no llega a la materialidad de la percepción. Por eso, Simón, igual que los lectores, tendrá que discernir entre fantasía y realidad en el momento oportuno, justo al concluir el cuento. Frases cortas y emocionales al alcance de los pequeños lectores, para que se identifiquen con el ratoncito, con sus miedos, sus juegos y su fantasía.

Visite Amazon para comprar su ejemplar.

Description in English: If Simon says so, it’s true… right? Simon Liar inhabits that ambiguous space between the real and the imaginary, as do young children who are capable of bringing to life the characters that live within their imaginations, up to a point where we even begin to doubt what is true or a lie.

Fantasy is one of the key traits of childhood creativity, but it also influences the way in which young children perceive reality and in the way they interact with the world. The protagonist in this story, speaks to us of wolves, foxes, cats..all animals that live in his imagination. But as you know, fantastical beings are ethereal and cannot materialize, and this is why Simon, along with the readers, has to distinguish between fantasy and reality just in the right moment, as the story comes to a close.

Once again, Roberto Aliaga surprises us with a story using a simple but carefully chosen language, accessible vocabulary, short and emotional sentences that are within the grasp of young readers who can identify with Simon, his fears, games and imagination.

#ColeccionesOQO #Cuentos #AmericanBookGroup #ABG #UnMundoDeCuentos #IAmBilingual

ISBN: 978-1681655529 Categoría: 01. I Am Bilingual Autor:



«Un Mundo de Cuentos para Ver (Spanish Edition)»

El ratoncito protagonista de esta historia percibe y expresa la realidad como un juego fantástico al servicio de un fin preciso: habla de lobos, zorros y gatos que están en su imaginación. Pero la fantasía tiene un carácter efímero y no llega a la materialidad de la percepción. Por eso, Simón, igual que los lectores, tendrá que discernir entre fantasía y realidad en el momento oportuno, justo al concluir el cuento. Frases cortas y emocionales al alcance de los pequeños lectores, para que se identifiquen con el ratoncito, con sus miedos, sus juegos y su fantasía.

Visite Amazon para comprar su ejemplar.

Description in English: If Simon says so, it’s true… right? Simon Liar inhabits that ambiguous space between the real and the imaginary, as do young children who are capable of bringing to life the characters that live within their imaginations, up to a point where we even begin to doubt what is true or a lie.

Fantasy is one of the key traits of childhood creativity, but it also influences the way in which young children perceive reality and in the way they interact with the world. The protagonist in this story, speaks to us of wolves, foxes, cats..all animals that live in his imagination. But as you know, fantastical beings are ethereal and cannot materialize, and this is why Simon, along with the readers, has to distinguish between fantasy and reality just in the right moment, as the story comes to a close.

Once again, Roberto Aliaga surprises us with a story using a simple but carefully chosen language, accessible vocabulary, short and emotional sentences that are within the grasp of young readers who can identify with Simon, his fears, games and imagination.

#ColeccionesOQO #Cuentos #AmericanBookGroup #ABG #UnMundoDeCuentos #IAmBilingual