20. Mariluz Avestruz

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«Un Mundo de Cuentos para Ver (Spanish Edition)»

Mariluz Avestruz tiene una magnífica cola. Por la noche, para no aplastarla duerme con la cabeza enterrada y con la cola al aire libre. Una mañana, al despertar, estira el cuello y siente que su cabeza no se mueve. Mariluz patalea, dobla las rodillas, menea la cola y tira, tira, y tira… pero su cabeza está atrapada y de ahí no se mueve. Si quiere soltarse, no tendrá más remedio que pedir ayuda. Con reminiscencias de un antiguo cuento ruso de Alexei Tolstoy, confirma que el poder reside en la asociación y en el trabajo en equipo.

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Description in English: Oscar the Ostrich has a magnificent tail. At night, in order not to crush it, he sleeps with his head buried and his tail spread out in the open. One morning when he wakes up, he stretches his neck and feels that his head is not moving. Oscar kicks, bends his knees, ruffles his tail and pulls, pulls, and pulls… but his head is trapped, and he cannot budge from there. If you want to be released, you will have no choice but to ask for help.

Reminiscent of that classic story by Alexei Tolstoy in which an old farmer finds a giant turnip and needs the help of others to pull it up, in Oscar the Ostrich it is clear that the power to change things is accomplished through teamwork. But Oscar will also learn that daylight is much more important than his beautiful tail, and he won’t soon forget that only a very goofy ostrich spends the night in that position.

The Portuguese illustrator Bernardo Carvalho creates a visual narrative that takes us to the African savannah, which is a very recognizable background for first readers. Serigraphs in flat colors, lively and dynamic lines to create fun and very expressive characters, with a direct and clean technique.

#ColeccionesOQO #Cuentos #AmericanBookGroup #ABG #UnMundoDeCuentos #IAmBilingual

ISBN: 978-1681654805 Categoría: 01. I Am Bilingual Autor:



«Un Mundo de Cuentos para Ver (Spanish Edition)»

Mariluz Avestruz tiene una magnífica cola. Por la noche, para no aplastarla duerme con la cabeza enterrada y con la cola al aire libre. Una mañana, al despertar, estira el cuello y siente que su cabeza no se mueve. Mariluz patalea, dobla las rodillas, menea la cola y tira, tira, y tira… pero su cabeza está atrapada y de ahí no se mueve. Si quiere soltarse, no tendrá más remedio que pedir ayuda. Con reminiscencias de un antiguo cuento ruso de Alexei Tolstoy, confirma que el poder reside en la asociación y en el trabajo en equipo.

Visite Amazon para comprar su ejemplar.

Description in English: Oscar the Ostrich has a magnificent tail. At night, in order not to crush it, he sleeps with his head buried and his tail spread out in the open. One morning when he wakes up, he stretches his neck and feels that his head is not moving. Oscar kicks, bends his knees, ruffles his tail and pulls, pulls, and pulls… but his head is trapped, and he cannot budge from there. If you want to be released, you will have no choice but to ask for help.

Reminiscent of that classic story by Alexei Tolstoy in which an old farmer finds a giant turnip and needs the help of others to pull it up, in Oscar the Ostrich it is clear that the power to change things is accomplished through teamwork. But Oscar will also learn that daylight is much more important than his beautiful tail, and he won’t soon forget that only a very goofy ostrich spends the night in that position.

The Portuguese illustrator Bernardo Carvalho creates a visual narrative that takes us to the African savannah, which is a very recognizable background for first readers. Serigraphs in flat colors, lively and dynamic lines to create fun and very expressive characters, with a direct and clean technique.

#ColeccionesOQO #Cuentos #AmericanBookGroup #ABG #UnMundoDeCuentos #IAmBilingual