32. El sultán y los ratones

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«Un Mundo de Cuentos para Ver (Spanish Edition)»

Al sultán le gustaba mucho el queso. Tenía habitaciones llenas de quesos de todas partes; pero el palacio se llenó de ratones que se comían el queso del sultán, y los consejeros tuvieron que buscar una solución: Para echar a los ratones, mandaron traer gatos; para echar a los gatos, traer perros; para echar a los perros, traer leones; para echar a los leones, traer elefantes; para echar a los elefantes, traer ratones… y así hasta nunca acabar. Este cuento, de origen árabe, encadena una serie de sucesos disparatados que son tratados con mucho humor.

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Description in English: The sultan was very fond of cheese. He had rooms full of cheeses from all over the world; but the palace soon filled with mice that ate the sultan’s cheese, and his advisers had to find a solution: to drive out the mice, they sent for cats; to drive out the cats, they brought in dogs; to drive out the dogs, they brought in lions; to drive out the lions, they brought in elephants; to kick out the elephants, they bring in mice… and so on and so on until it almost never ends.

This Arab tale, links a series of events in such a way that the situation progressively becomes more complicated until the end of the story, and then takes us back to the beginning. Wit and a sense of humor are interwoven throughout. The playful nature of the circular story, and the formal repetitions are very effective in connecting with young readers.

#ColeccionesOQO #Cuentos #AmericanBookGroup #ABG #UnMundoDeCuentos #IAmBilingual

ISBN: 978-8498716382 Categoría: 01. I Am Bilingual Autor:



«Un Mundo de Cuentos para Ver (Spanish Edition)»

Al sultán le gustaba mucho el queso. Tenía habitaciones llenas de quesos de todas partes; pero el palacio se llenó de ratones que se comían el queso del sultán, y los consejeros tuvieron que buscar una solución: Para echar a los ratones, mandaron traer gatos; para echar a los gatos, traer perros; para echar a los perros, traer leones; para echar a los leones, traer elefantes; para echar a los elefantes, traer ratones… y así hasta nunca acabar. Este cuento, de origen árabe, encadena una serie de sucesos disparatados que son tratados con mucho humor.

Visite Amazon para comprar su ejemplar.

Description in English: The sultan was very fond of cheese. He had rooms full of cheeses from all over the world; but the palace soon filled with mice that ate the sultan’s cheese, and his advisers had to find a solution: to drive out the mice, they sent for cats; to drive out the cats, they brought in dogs; to drive out the dogs, they brought in lions; to drive out the lions, they brought in elephants; to kick out the elephants, they bring in mice… and so on and so on until it almost never ends.

This Arab tale, links a series of events in such a way that the situation progressively becomes more complicated until the end of the story, and then takes us back to the beginning. Wit and a sense of humor are interwoven throughout. The playful nature of the circular story, and the formal repetitions are very effective in connecting with young readers.

#ColeccionesOQO #Cuentos #AmericanBookGroup #ABG #UnMundoDeCuentos #IAmBilingual