41. Buscando el Norte

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«Un Mundo de Cuentos para Ver (Spanish Edition)»

La luciérnaga juega a ser estrella fugaz, la babosa pide un deseo… y entonces comienza el viaje hacia el país de los melocotoneros, siguiendo a la estrella polar y en compañía de las distintas fases de la luna. El viaje y no el destino final es el que hará que los protagonistas de esta historia se enriquezcan, maduren y descubran nuevos mundos, dentro y fuera de ellos mismos. Un cuento para ver a través de los ojos más pequeños, sobre la hierba, entre las gotas de rocío.

Visite Amazon para comprar su ejemplar.

Description in English: The glow-worm pretends to be a shooting star, the slug asks for a wish… and then the journey begins to the land of the peach trees, following the polar star, accompanied by the distinct moon phases. A wish turns into a journey, the journey an encounter, an encounter takes you to search for the north, the north is the place to ask for wishes.

The route itself, more than the final destination, is what enriches and matures the main characters in this story, enabling them to discover new worlds both within and outside themselves. A story that helps us see through the smallest eyes in between the blades of grass, among the dew drops.

Cecilia Afonso creates beautiful illustrations through collage, combining paper and thread with pencil and tempera. Through clean and simple figures, the Argentinean illustrator unfolds a unique symbolic language, abstract at times and poetic. Search and the reader will find them, as surprises are hidden everywhere. The multiple winks, clues and calls for attention in the images, along with the accompanying text, create a story within the story, and we are invited to search for, along with the characters, the new moon.

#ColeccionesOQO #Cuentos #American Book Group #ABG #UnMundoDeCuentos #IAmBilingual

ISBN: 978-1681655550 Categoría: 01. I Am Bilingual Autor:



«Un Mundo de Cuentos para Ver (Spanish Edition)»

La luciérnaga juega a ser estrella fugaz, la babosa pide un deseo… y entonces comienza el viaje hacia el país de los melocotoneros, siguiendo a la estrella polar y en compañía de las distintas fases de la luna. El viaje y no el destino final es el que hará que los protagonistas de esta historia se enriquezcan, maduren y descubran nuevos mundos, dentro y fuera de ellos mismos. Un cuento para ver a través de los ojos más pequeños, sobre la hierba, entre las gotas de rocío.

Visite Amazon para comprar su ejemplar.

Description in English: The glow-worm pretends to be a shooting star, the slug asks for a wish… and then the journey begins to the land of the peach trees, following the polar star, accompanied by the distinct moon phases. A wish turns into a journey, the journey an encounter, an encounter takes you to search for the north, the north is the place to ask for wishes.

The route itself, more than the final destination, is what enriches and matures the main characters in this story, enabling them to discover new worlds both within and outside themselves. A story that helps us see through the smallest eyes in between the blades of grass, among the dew drops.

Cecilia Afonso creates beautiful illustrations through collage, combining paper and thread with pencil and tempera. Through clean and simple figures, the Argentinean illustrator unfolds a unique symbolic language, abstract at times and poetic. Search and the reader will find them, as surprises are hidden everywhere. The multiple winks, clues and calls for attention in the images, along with the accompanying text, create a story within the story, and we are invited to search for, along with the characters, the new moon.

#ColeccionesOQO #Cuentos #American Book Group #ABG #UnMundoDeCuentos #IAmBilingual