56. Conoce todo sobre Programación shell. Aprende a programar con más de 200 ejercicios resueltos

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Si bien existen distintos lenguajes Shell, este libro se centra en Bash (Description in English below).

El objetivo es introducir al lector de una forma teórico-práctica en la programación Shell, desde los aspectos más básicos hasta elementos más complejos, que le permitan trabajar de un modo seguro y eficiente con entornos GNU/Linux, desde equipos personales a servidores.

Este libro presenta múltiples ejemplos, los cuales aumentan de complejidad a medida que adquieren los conocimientos necesarios, al tiempo que se reta al lector a aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos para resolver distintos problemas propuestos de práctica real.

Visite Amazon para ordenar su ejemplar. 

Description in English: Although most users think of Shell as a mere interactive command interpreter, the reality is that it is a programming language in which each statement is executed as a command.The Shell is the interface that allows the user to interact with the system: it collects the orders, processes them and generates the corresponding output, isolating the user from the system kernel throughout the process, which gives GNU / Linux environments a great deal of security.

There are different Shell languages, but this work focuses on Bash, since it is the most widely used command interpreter on GNU / Linux systems and includes a complete structured programming language and a wide variety of internal functions.The objective of this work is to introduce the reader in a theoretical-practical way to Shell programming, from the most basic aspects of it to more complex elements, which allow it to work safely and efficiently with GNU / Linux environments, from personal computers to servers.

For this reason, multiple examples are presented, which increase in complexity as the necessary knowledge is acquired, while the reader is challenged to apply the knowledge acquired to solve different proposed problems, all of them of real practical nature.

#coleccionesabg #it # computación #Mac

ISBN: 978-1681657660 Categoría: 04. ABG - Informática y Computación Autor:



Si bien existen distintos lenguajes Shell, este libro se centra en Bash (Description in English below).

El objetivo es introducir al lector de una forma teórico-práctica en la programación Shell, desde los aspectos más básicos hasta elementos más complejos, que le permitan trabajar de un modo seguro y eficiente con entornos GNU/Linux, desde equipos personales a servidores.

Este libro presenta múltiples ejemplos, los cuales aumentan de complejidad a medida que adquieren los conocimientos necesarios, al tiempo que se reta al lector a aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos para resolver distintos problemas propuestos de práctica real.

Visite Amazon para ordenar su ejemplar. 

Description in English: Although most users think of Shell as a mere interactive command interpreter, the reality is that it is a programming language in which each statement is executed as a command.The Shell is the interface that allows the user to interact with the system: it collects the orders, processes them and generates the corresponding output, isolating the user from the system kernel throughout the process, which gives GNU / Linux environments a great deal of security.

There are different Shell languages, but this work focuses on Bash, since it is the most widely used command interpreter on GNU / Linux systems and includes a complete structured programming language and a wide variety of internal functions.The objective of this work is to introduce the reader in a theoretical-practical way to Shell programming, from the most basic aspects of it to more complex elements, which allow it to work safely and efficiently with GNU / Linux environments, from personal computers to servers.

For this reason, multiple examples are presented, which increase in complexity as the necessary knowledge is acquired, while the reader is challenged to apply the knowledge acquired to solve different proposed problems, all of them of real practical nature.

#coleccionesabg #it # computación #Mac