16. Conoce todo sobre Instalación de sistemas de riego en parques y jardines

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Este libro está concebido para iniciar e instruir de forma concisa, y desde cero, las técnicas y conocimientos necesarios para el correcto diseño y dimensionamiento de un sistema de riego automático para parques y jardines, sin importar el tamaño del proyecto (Description in English below).

Está dirigido a estudiantes de ingeniería, a docentes de riegos, a profesionales de paisajismo y a entusiastas de la jardinería. Cualquiera que sea su nivel, aun sin poseer conocimientos previos.

Visite Amazon para comprar su ejemplar. 

Description in English: – This book is not intended to be a treatise on hydraulics.
– This book does not pretend to confuse with endless equations.
– This book does not have paragraphs that I have to read repeatedly until I understand them.
– This book is not written only to be read, but also to be used.

This book is designed to initiate and instruct in a pleasant and concise manner, and from zero level, the techniques and knowledge necessary for the correct design and sizing of an automatic irrigation system for parks and gardens, regardless of the size of the project.

It is aimed at engineering students, irrigation teachers, landscaping professionals and gardening enthusiasts. Whatever your level, even without previous knowledge, this illustrated work will guide you in the steps of designing irrigation systems for parks and gardens.

#coleccionesabg #Engineering #Sistemas



Este libro está concebido para iniciar e instruir de forma concisa, y desde cero, las técnicas y conocimientos necesarios para el correcto diseño y dimensionamiento de un sistema de riego automático para parques y jardines, sin importar el tamaño del proyecto (Description in English below).

Está dirigido a estudiantes de ingeniería, a docentes de riegos, a profesionales de paisajismo y a entusiastas de la jardinería. Cualquiera que sea su nivel, aun sin poseer conocimientos previos.

Visite Amazon para comprar su ejemplar. 

Description in English: – This book is not intended to be a treatise on hydraulics.
– This book does not pretend to confuse with endless equations.
– This book does not have paragraphs that I have to read repeatedly until I understand them.
– This book is not written only to be read, but also to be used.

This book is designed to initiate and instruct in a pleasant and concise manner, and from zero level, the techniques and knowledge necessary for the correct design and sizing of an automatic irrigation system for parks and gardens, regardless of the size of the project.

It is aimed at engineering students, irrigation teachers, landscaping professionals and gardening enthusiasts. Whatever your level, even without previous knowledge, this illustrated work will guide you in the steps of designing irrigation systems for parks and gardens.

#coleccionesabg #Engineering #Sistemas