60. Conoce todo sobre Java 2. Curso de Programación

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Java 2 – Curso de programación es un libro totalmente actualizado a las nuevas características de Java 2 con ejemplos sencillos, fáciles de entender, que ilustran los fundamentos de la programación Java (Description in English below).

Además, el libro te permitirá aprender programación orientada a objetos, a trabajar con estructuras dinámicas de datos, ficheros, excepciones y hilos, a desarrollar aplicaciones, te introducirá en el diseño de interfaces gráficas, y en las tareas de agregar applets a tus páginas Web, y en poner aplicaciones denominadas servlets en un servidor a disposición de los clientes.

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Description in English: A few years ago «Java» maybe brought to mind the image of a cup of coffee. Why a cup of coffee? Surely for the many that its creators drank developing it. In fact, the coffee cup has become its logo. Nowadays, anyone who has had contact with a Web page has another concept; it is known that Java is an object-oriented programming language introduced by Sun Microsystems (acquired by Oracle in 2009) whose characteristics make it, together with Microsoft Visual Studio .Net, the ideal product for developing programs for the Web.

But with Java, not only can you write Web programs, it is an object-oriented programming language that also allows you to develop general-purpose applications.

Therefore, Java will allow you to create programs for your personal use, for your work group, for a company, applications distributed over the Internet, database applications, Web pages and many other things.

#coleccionesabg #it # computación #Enciclopedia



Java 2 – Curso de programación es un libro totalmente actualizado a las nuevas características de Java 2 con ejemplos sencillos, fáciles de entender, que ilustran los fundamentos de la programación Java (Description in English below).

Además, el libro te permitirá aprender programación orientada a objetos, a trabajar con estructuras dinámicas de datos, ficheros, excepciones y hilos, a desarrollar aplicaciones, te introducirá en el diseño de interfaces gráficas, y en las tareas de agregar applets a tus páginas Web, y en poner aplicaciones denominadas servlets en un servidor a disposición de los clientes.

Visite Amazon para comprar su ejemplar. 

Description in English: A few years ago «Java» maybe brought to mind the image of a cup of coffee. Why a cup of coffee? Surely for the many that its creators drank developing it. In fact, the coffee cup has become its logo. Nowadays, anyone who has had contact with a Web page has another concept; it is known that Java is an object-oriented programming language introduced by Sun Microsystems (acquired by Oracle in 2009) whose characteristics make it, together with Microsoft Visual Studio .Net, the ideal product for developing programs for the Web.

But with Java, not only can you write Web programs, it is an object-oriented programming language that also allows you to develop general-purpose applications.

Therefore, Java will allow you to create programs for your personal use, for your work group, for a company, applications distributed over the Internet, database applications, Web pages and many other things.

#coleccionesabg #it # computación #Enciclopedia