06. Titiritesa

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«Un Mundo de Cuentos para Ver (Spanish Edition)»

Titiritesa vive en el reino de Anteayer. Su madre, Mandolina, sueña con ver a su hija bien casada e intenta educarla como una cortesana refinada. Pero la hija no comparte las aspiraciones de la reina y rechaza esa vida convencional que le quieren imponer. Ante la inminente llegada de una institutriz, decide huir de palacio para vivir fantásticas y divertidas aventuras: como conocer a otra princesa de labios dulces… En esta historia se festeja el amor sin prejuicios al tiempo que, con la sensibilidad necesaria, se le expone el tema a un lector infantil y se contribuye a su educación afectiva.

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Description in English: Titiritess lives in the kingdom of The-day-before-yesterday. Her mother, Mandolin, dreams of seeing her daughter well married and tries to educate her as a refined lady; but her daughter rejects the conventional life that has been imposed on her and does not share her mother’s ambitions. Faced with the imminent arrival of a governess, Titiritess decides to flee the palace and to live fun and fantastic adventures: to visit an inventor of words, to face a terrible monster, to meet another princess with a sweet kiss…

A daring tale that takes a fresh approach to discuss female homosexuality naturally with ease and humor, and celebrates love without prejudice, but with the age-appropriate emotional sensitivity for young readers. With his intimate illustrative style, Quarello brings out the characters personalities in a way totally in rhythm with the text, and efficiently communicates a message of normality and verisimilitude, at the same time masterly evoking the feelings that a young person has when growing up and experiencing first love.

#ColeccionesOQO #Cuentos #AmericanBookGroup #ABG #UnMundoDeCuentos #IAmBilingual

ISBN: 978-1681651682 Categoría: 01. I Am Bilingual Autor:



«Un Mundo de Cuentos para Ver (Spanish Edition)»

Titiritesa vive en el reino de Anteayer. Su madre, Mandolina, sueña con ver a su hija bien casada e intenta educarla como una cortesana refinada. Pero la hija no comparte las aspiraciones de la reina y rechaza esa vida convencional que le quieren imponer. Ante la inminente llegada de una institutriz, decide huir de palacio para vivir fantásticas y divertidas aventuras: como conocer a otra princesa de labios dulces… En esta historia se festeja el amor sin prejuicios al tiempo que, con la sensibilidad necesaria, se le expone el tema a un lector infantil y se contribuye a su educación afectiva.

Visite Amazon para comprar su ejemplar.

Description in English: Titiritess lives in the kingdom of The-day-before-yesterday. Her mother, Mandolin, dreams of seeing her daughter well married and tries to educate her as a refined lady; but her daughter rejects the conventional life that has been imposed on her and does not share her mother’s ambitions. Faced with the imminent arrival of a governess, Titiritess decides to flee the palace and to live fun and fantastic adventures: to visit an inventor of words, to face a terrible monster, to meet another princess with a sweet kiss…

A daring tale that takes a fresh approach to discuss female homosexuality naturally with ease and humor, and celebrates love without prejudice, but with the age-appropriate emotional sensitivity for young readers. With his intimate illustrative style, Quarello brings out the characters personalities in a way totally in rhythm with the text, and efficiently communicates a message of normality and verisimilitude, at the same time masterly evoking the feelings that a young person has when growing up and experiencing first love.

#ColeccionesOQO #Cuentos #AmericanBookGroup #ABG #UnMundoDeCuentos #IAmBilingual