36. La tortuga que quería dormir

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«Un Mundo de Cuentos para Ver (Spanish Edition)»

La tortuga tiene mucho sueño y va a dormir todo el invierno. Cuando ya está en cama, después de cumplir con el ritual para irse a dormir (cepillarse los dientes, ponerse el camisón, colocar las sábanas…), alguien llama a la puerta. Son sus amigos, que van llegando con regalos para acompañarla antes del largo período de sueño. La tortuga agradece las atenciones, pero lo único que quiere es que la dejen tranquila. Una historia para entender el momento de dormir como algo agradable y completar el ritual contando un cuento antes de dejarse vencer por el sueño.

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Description in English: The tortoise is very sleepy and plans to sleep all winter. When she is already in bed, after finishing her bedtime routine (brushing her teeth, putting on her nightgown, making the bed) someone knocks on the door. It is her friends who arrive bearing gifts (a hat, a pear tart, a blanket…) to prepare her for the long sleep she is about to begin.

Friendship is very important, and the tortoise appreciates the good intentions, but she is getting more and more sleepy and all she wants is to be left alone so she can go back to bed… Being afraid of the nighttime, the dark, and general restlessness at bedtime are very common during childhood. For these reasons, it is helpful if children can identify with the characters in this story so they may realize that quiet and rest are desirable and necessary.

Structurally, the story is built from rhymes, repetitions, enumerations, and with a simple language that works very well with young children and gives a playful tone to the narrative setting a rhythm in which the listeners can participate. The story can also be perfectly followed via the illustrations, full of tenderness and humor, and with Alessandra Cimatoribus’s own unique style and unmistakable textures. The friendly and sleepy turtle and his friends will immediately win over the readers, thanks to their gentle demeanors and expressiveness. In short, a book that helps reinforce healthy habits and to complete the ritual of going to bed, with a story, just before sleep overcomes us.

#ColeccionesOQO #Cuentos #AmericanBookGroup #ABG #UnMundoDeCuentos #IAmBilingual

ISBN: 978-1681651613 Categoría: 01. I Am Bilingual Autores: ,



«Un Mundo de Cuentos para Ver (Spanish Edition)»

La tortuga tiene mucho sueño y va a dormir todo el invierno. Cuando ya está en cama, después de cumplir con el ritual para irse a dormir (cepillarse los dientes, ponerse el camisón, colocar las sábanas…), alguien llama a la puerta. Son sus amigos, que van llegando con regalos para acompañarla antes del largo período de sueño. La tortuga agradece las atenciones, pero lo único que quiere es que la dejen tranquila. Una historia para entender el momento de dormir como algo agradable y completar el ritual contando un cuento antes de dejarse vencer por el sueño.

Visite Amazon para comprar su ejemplar.

Description in English: The tortoise is very sleepy and plans to sleep all winter. When she is already in bed, after finishing her bedtime routine (brushing her teeth, putting on her nightgown, making the bed) someone knocks on the door. It is her friends who arrive bearing gifts (a hat, a pear tart, a blanket…) to prepare her for the long sleep she is about to begin.

Friendship is very important, and the tortoise appreciates the good intentions, but she is getting more and more sleepy and all she wants is to be left alone so she can go back to bed… Being afraid of the nighttime, the dark, and general restlessness at bedtime are very common during childhood. For these reasons, it is helpful if children can identify with the characters in this story so they may realize that quiet and rest are desirable and necessary.

Structurally, the story is built from rhymes, repetitions, enumerations, and with a simple language that works very well with young children and gives a playful tone to the narrative setting a rhythm in which the listeners can participate. The story can also be perfectly followed via the illustrations, full of tenderness and humor, and with Alessandra Cimatoribus’s own unique style and unmistakable textures. The friendly and sleepy turtle and his friends will immediately win over the readers, thanks to their gentle demeanors and expressiveness. In short, a book that helps reinforce healthy habits and to complete the ritual of going to bed, with a story, just before sleep overcomes us.

#ColeccionesOQO #Cuentos #AmericanBookGroup #ABG #UnMundoDeCuentos #IAmBilingual