38. Con las manos vacías

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«Un Mundo de Cuentos para Ver (Spanish Edition)»

Hoy es el cumpleaños de Mario y ha invitado a Jana a merendar en su casa. Casi es la hora, pero Jana no sabe qué regalarle. Por el camino, busca algo que pueda gustarle a su amigo… No siempre lo más hermoso es lo más difícil de encontrar y tampoco es necesario buscarlo muy lejos. Esta historia nos presenta valores muy alejados de los que la sociedad de consumo nos trata de imponer. Un libro sobre un regalo imperecedero: la amistad.

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Description in English: And if I give him some sea water? No, he’s already got some of that, because the sea is in his eyes. Today is Mario’s birthday and Jane is invited to his house. She doesn’t know what to give him and on the way is trying to think of a present for her friend. She thinks of many things, but it isn’t easy when something special is needed.

In the O Collection of OQO book the main character of this story takes us by the hand to discover that the best gifts are not bought. Ana Tortosa has chosen a very revealing title, Empty-handed, for this story that shares values that are far from those that the consumer society in which we live tries to impose upon us. In the story, the author invites the youngest to look beyond the material and try other activities: exploring nature, using your imagination, fostering friendships… Starting with the main character’s original game of questions and answers, she has created a story that has many conundrums.

Reading this story requires the readers to pay attention and rise to the challenge the author presents: guess the identity of the mysterious Mario before reaching the end of the story. Solving the mystery isn’t so complicated, but the reader must stay alert to the clues Jane gives throughout the story.

#ColeccionesOQO #Cuentos #American Book Group #ABG #UnMundoDeCuentos #IAmBilingual

ISBN: 978-1681650388 Categoría: 01. I Am Bilingual Autor:



«Un Mundo de Cuentos para Ver (Spanish Edition)»

Hoy es el cumpleaños de Mario y ha invitado a Jana a merendar en su casa. Casi es la hora, pero Jana no sabe qué regalarle. Por el camino, busca algo que pueda gustarle a su amigo… No siempre lo más hermoso es lo más difícil de encontrar y tampoco es necesario buscarlo muy lejos. Esta historia nos presenta valores muy alejados de los que la sociedad de consumo nos trata de imponer. Un libro sobre un regalo imperecedero: la amistad.

Visite Amazon para comprar su ejemplar.

Description in English: And if I give him some sea water? No, he’s already got some of that, because the sea is in his eyes. Today is Mario’s birthday and Jane is invited to his house. She doesn’t know what to give him and on the way is trying to think of a present for her friend. She thinks of many things, but it isn’t easy when something special is needed.

In the O Collection of OQO book the main character of this story takes us by the hand to discover that the best gifts are not bought. Ana Tortosa has chosen a very revealing title, Empty-handed, for this story that shares values that are far from those that the consumer society in which we live tries to impose upon us. In the story, the author invites the youngest to look beyond the material and try other activities: exploring nature, using your imagination, fostering friendships… Starting with the main character’s original game of questions and answers, she has created a story that has many conundrums.

Reading this story requires the readers to pay attention and rise to the challenge the author presents: guess the identity of the mysterious Mario before reaching the end of the story. Solving the mystery isn’t so complicated, but the reader must stay alert to the clues Jane gives throughout the story.

#ColeccionesOQO #Cuentos #American Book Group #ABG #UnMundoDeCuentos #IAmBilingual