Los videojuegos independientes marcan un antes y un después en la percepción social lúdica (Description in English below).
Las historias que cuentan, emotivas todas, llenas de personajes con los que se identifican a la vez que uno interactúa con un mundo virtual cada vez más realista.
En este manual se exploran las diferencias narrativas en función del género de videojuegos. Son simulaciones en las que es necesario saber qué resaltar con exuberancia, qué mostrar sutilmente para no sobrecargar la experiencia y qué ofuscar para no distraer la atención argumental; y así brillar otros aspectos sin que el mensaje se vea alterado.
Visite Amazon para comprar su ejemplar.
Description in English: Independent video games mark a before and after in the playful social perception. Stories that count, involved emotions, characters with which to identify while interacting with a virtual world, define a new era that takes movie-like elements to another new level.
This legacy from film production is not new, it has gradually taken shape from the beginning, but i the narrative is an essential element in its development.We are facing a new stage in video games production. They are no longer designed with a purely playful goal, but every day they shout more strongly a message transmitted through a story, an argument that requires a narrative, and this one of characters along with everything that gives them life and makes them Be who you are: your background, your concerns, your motivations…
In this manual, narrative differences are explored based on the genre of video games so strongly linked to development. They are simulations in which it is necessary to know what to highlight with exuberance, what to show subtly so as not to overload the experience and what to obfuscate so as not to distract the attention of the plot; and so that other aspects can shine without the message being altered.
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