El objetivo de este libro es enseñar los principales criterios y buenas prácticas para crear aplicaciones web de forma segura en Java (Description in English below).
Se cubren los aspectos de seguridad en las diferentes etapas del desarrollo de aplicaciones web en Java, alineadas a las buenas prácticas propuestas por OWASP y en particular las principales vulnerabilidades que podemos encontrar en aplicaciones web.
Veremos cómo configurar la seguridad de nuestras aplicaciones en los principales servidores de aplicaciones del mercado y los pasos a seguir para implementar mecanismos de seguridad con el framework Spring Security.
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Description in English: Java is one of the most used programming languages at the enterprise level when it comes to developing management applications with good levels of scalability and availability. Additionally, it offers solid object-oriented programming and software architecture, from a security standpoint, those looking to develop a career with open source technologies, it is necessary to know a set of good practices when creating applications Web.
The objective of this book is to teach the main criteria and good practices for securely creating web applications in Java. It also covers security aspects in the different stages of Java web application development, aligned to good practices proposed by OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) and in particular, with the top ten vulnerabilities that we can find in web applications.
The content also provides important security configurations pertaining to applications in central servers, and it also outlines the steps to implement security mechanisms with the Spring Security framework.Topics include the developing of secure web applications using the Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE) specifications for public, private, and digital signature mechanisms that provide encryption, decryption, authentication, and secure communication services.
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